What is Plan B investment wallet?

It is a group of professionals in the field of digital currencies gathered with the aim of facilitating investment in the digital field for users who are unable to understand its mechanism and real profit methods in it.

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بلان بي


Why do you need Plan B?

Because you are looking for a safe investment, you need a Plan B wallet. Plan B wallet is simple, easy to use, reliable and secure.


Are you looking to invest in Bitcoin?

You will be amazed at the huge amount of profits you will make in the cryptocurrency space, this is not a promise, but a fact that you are free to experience for yourself.

Learn more

Plan B Features

The wallet  team has been working for more than 8 years in the field of secure cryptocurrency investment, and this puts your investment in professional and safe hands.


A video is worth thousand words


Ease of use

You only have to deposit the local currency and the wallet team will bear the rest of the hard work for you, from buying e-dollars and searching for the best currencies, choosing the most appropriate time to buy and the most appropriate time to sell to achieve the greatest possible benefit.


Guaranteed profits

You will be amazed at the huge amount of profits you will make in the cryptocurrency space, this is not a promise, but a fact that you are free to test for yourself.


Low Risk

Are you afraid of taking risks?

Because every smart investor studies risk before profits, we have chosen for you an area where there is almost no risk. You won't find a safer and less risky field than investing in cryptocurrencies.



هل تبحث عن الاستثمار في البتكوين و العملات الرقميةهل تبحث عهل تبحث عن الاستثمار في البتكوين و العملات الرقميةهل تبحث عهل تبحث عن الاستثمار في البتكوين و العملات الرقميةهل تبحث ع

سهل الاستغدام و امن

سهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنs.

— Roger Cooper, United States #

سهل الاستغدام و امن

سهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امن.

— خنان احمد, السعودية #

سهل الاستغدام و امن

سهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امن.

— لمياء عاشور, دبي #

سهل الاستغدام و امن

سهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امنسهل الاستغدام و امن.

— حسن احمد, ديي #

Plan B wallet

You will be amazed at the huge amount of profits you will make in the cryptocurrency space, this is not a promise, but a fact that you are free to experience for yourself.

Because it's still emerging and in its beginning.

Are you looking to invest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrenciesAre you looking forAre you looking for an investment? Are you looking to invest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies?

They are coins of the near future

Are you looking to invest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrenciesAre you looking forAre you looking for an investment? Are you looking to invest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies?

High security system

Are you looking to invest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrenciesAre you looking forAre you looking for an investment? Are you looking to invest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies?


Because it saves value and increases with time

Are you looking to invest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrenciesAre you looking forAre you looking for an investment? Are you looking to invest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies?

Because 100% of its profits belong to you and not to the bank

Are you looking to invest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrenciesAre you looking forAre you looking for an investment? Are you looking to invest in

Because it's risk-free

Are you looking to invest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrenciesAre you looking for an investment? Are you looking to invest in


Got questions? We’ve got answers.

How does the free trial work?

Our 10 day trial is 100% free and does not require credit card information to start. If at the end of your trial you would like to upgrade, great. If not, you can cancel your account altogether, or let us mark it as inactive for you to come back to later.

Can I switch plans later?

Absolutely. You can switch between our paid plans, or cancel your account altogether, whenever you like. We will adjust any payments accordingly.

What payment types do you accept?

We accept payments from MasterCard, Visa, Visa Debit and American Express. We do not accept PayPal. Remember, you do not need to supply card details to start your free trial.

Do I need to choose a plan now?

No. You get the full featured, unlimited version of Startup completely free for 10 days. Once you're ready to upgrade, you may choose a plan which suits your needs.

plan B wallwt Team 

Download Plan Pay wallet, join us and discover the real profits in the world of digital currencies Don't miss the opportunity Hesitation is the biggest killer of your dreams and the reason you stay stumbling all the time

Salah Ahmed
Founder and CEO
Safwaln Ahmed
Arwa Ahmed
Founder and early invoster
Khawla Alhimiri
relation manger
Salah Ahmed
Founder and CEO
Tong yap Cheng
International relation manger
Saba Ahmed
Founder and early invoster
Salma alsalahi
relation manger

Contact Us

Dubai - United Arab Emirates


05 05 05 1290
+9 (971) 505 05 1290

Download Plab B wallet 

قم بتحميل محفظة بلان بي وانضم الينا واكتشف الارباح الحقيقية في عالم العملات الرقمية
لا تفوت الفرصة التردد هو اكبر قاتل لاحلامك وسبب بقائك متعثرا طوال الوقت 

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